Includes essential acts, rules & regulations, & everyday prayers.

Five Pillars of Islam

Islam & Shari'at cover & include the following:-
  1. 'Aqaaid or true belief, conviction, creed doctrine & faith.
  2. M'aamilaat or transactions, proceedings, & business & other deals.
  3. 'Ibadaat or worship, prayer & service.
  4. M'aashrat or way of life with all habits, manners, customs & behaviour according to Sunnah or the Holy Prophet's traditions (peace be upon him).
  5. Tasawwuf or Islamic mysticism or sufism or self-purification or Tazkiyat-un-Nafs, also classified as Akhlaqiyaat or Islamic manners & morals including habits, behaviour, devotional exercise & dhikr (zikr or remembrance of Allah) etc. A Muslim becomes a good Muslim by learning & practicing the above five, according to Sunnah & by leaving all sins & Bid'yaat or new things against our religion.
According to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the fundamental principles or pillars of Islam are five.
  1. Declaring that there is only One God or Allah & Muhammad is the true & the last Messenger of Allah.
  2. Salat or praying five times a day.
  3. Zakat giving & distribution of the annual prescribed charity & poor-due.
  4. Saum, roza or fasting in the month of Ramadhan.
  5. &, Hajj performance or pilgrimage to Makka at least once in a lifetime, if possible.
      (Bukhari & Muslim)

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